Don't know where else I can post this question. I am trying to install my nvidia drivers from SVN, without luck.

I executed the following commands

# apt-get install subversion svn-buildpackage
# apt-get build-dep nvidia-driver

Which results in an error E: Unable to find a source package for nvidia-driver.

This following URL, which should show a list of supported GPU versions, results in a 404 at the moment of writing as well (thought the URL was still alive yesterday):

Any idea if the 404 has something to do with the E: Unable to find a source package for nvidia-driver error as well?

  • 1
    Check the message at the top level of the site: – RobertL Sep 27 at 8:54
  • Thanks,that makes sense. Though the apt-get build-dep nvidia-driver command still didn't work, I tried to run nvidia-detect which told me to install nvidia-driver so I tried with sudo apt-get install nvidia-driver which resulted in an error: The following packages have unmet dependencies: nvidia-driver : Depends: nvidia-driver-libs (= 384.130-1) but it is not going to be installed or nvidia-driver-libs-nonglvnd (= 384.130-1) but it is not going to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. Any thoughts? – Erik van de Ven Sep 27 at 9:59
  • Never mind, I needed to execute the stretch-backports commands ;) Now it seems to work seamlessly – Erik van de Ven Sep 27 at 10:06

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